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"Luke 13"

"Finger Guns Jesus"

"Jesus (Lineless)"


"Piano Man #1"

"Piano Man #2"

"Glass Houses Album Redraw"

"John - The Chosen S3"

"Gaius - The Chosen S3"

"Eden - The Chosen S3"

"Study of Statue of John the Beloved"

"James T. Kirk Portrait"

"Kirk Sketch"

"Bailey School Kids Parody"

"Peter and Gaius - The Chosen"

"Christ the Whittler"

"Joan Baez Portrait"

"Joan Baez Again"

"Commission For Friend"

"GIANTS! - Wendigoon"

"Mork Doodle"

"Mindy McConnell Doodle"

"Advice From Remo"

"Mork Cool Shades"

"Captain Trunk - Sledge Hammer"

"Sledge and Doreau"

"Captain Trunk Doodle"

"Linda Blackwell Doodle"

"Jon Arbuckle Meme Redraw"

"Tintin Study"

"Tintin 2024"

"Easter Post"

"Christmas Comic - Page 2"

"Doodle - Jesus is Up"